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Belkasoft Triage

Belkasoft Triage (Belkasoft T)


Belkasoft T is a new digital forensic and incident response tool developed specifically for a quick triage of a live computer. It allows you to locate important data and, if needed, to create a partial image of selected evidence.

  • Detect 1500+ types of computer, mobile and cloud artifacts such as emails, chats, browsers, system settings and others
  • Detect presence of virtual machines, memory files and mobile backups
  • Automated acquisition of a computer RAM dump
  • Detect skin tone in found pictures
  • Calculate file hash values and show an immediate alert on files with known hashes
  • Compatibility with Belkasoft X

    Images acquired with Belkasoft T can be analyzed in Belkasoft X for a deeper insight into the content of the copied data

  • Easy-to-use

    The product is user friendly enabling both experts and non-technical specialists to use it out of the box

  • No installation is required

    Belkasoft T is portable and can be started from a dongle

Belkasoft Triage

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